Wednesday 31 July 2013


I'm just in my room lying down a bit at the moment cuz I have like the worst migraine ever ( I don't really think so it's probably not even migraine) .I've just reseted my phone (actually not me my dad) and it works again yay!!!

So I know that I probably alreadt mentioned it but it rained yesterday and not a little bit quite a lot infact. Basically it rained from the moment I woke up until some time after I got too sleep (not entirely true it rained from about 1 pm until some time after I got to sleep). So this morning I woke up and it was all nice and sunny until the time that I decided to go outside seing it was so nice weather, and guess what happend then... guessed it, ofcourse it had to start raining again and it is still raining now.

I will probably not be posting posts daily because I would like to be more out in the sun (not that I think I'll be seing that for a while) instead of sitting infront of the computer for hours on end. But now my phone has started working again then I might just take a picture and write what I'm doing or recommending a product but posts as long as this one will be a bit more "rare" but if you want then you can comment if you like me doing longer or shorter posts. If you really want daily updates on what I'm doing then I do have instagram where I post stuff (because I'm lazy and can't be bothered to write long blogposts, but I do like writing long blogposts but sometimes I just don't feel like it).
And there are a couple of other reasons why I don't want to post daily and urgh the third time I'm writing this again so I'm just gonna go through this a bit fast I can't possibly write all the things I was gonna say it was long and boring leave a comment below if you want to know what it was really supposed to have been written here.

OMG! You should hear the rain now only if you could put recordings on blogspot (witch unfortunatly you can't) I can't even hear myself thinking!

I was planning on doing a "get to know me better tag" and various other tags so comment witch tag I should do (uhh getting a bit tedious eyhh? I know so much comments).

I forgot to say but you probably noticed the photos earlier on, that was my dinner and if you couldn't see we were eating tacos.

I hope you had a better day than me and I'll see you soon (actually you'll see me soon sorry but I can't see you). What am I saying I love the rain (as long as I'm inside or on the trampoline, any one else that likes jumping on the trampoline when it's raining comment be... (ohh just shut up with all you're comment below!).

Bye bye

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