About me

About  me

I thought I might tell you a bit about myself so it doesn't feel like you're reading a complete stranger's posts!!!

  • I'm twelve years old
  • I have two brothers a mum and a dad
  • I have five pet guinea pigs
  • I live in sweden near the capital
  • Although I live in sweden I'm three quarters english and a quarter spanish
  • I only have one aunt on my dads side but six aunts and four uncles on my mums side
  • I only have two cousins they are on my dads side LOL
  • I have brown coloured eyes
  • I also have brown hair
  • In my free time I like blogging, being with friends, I go to taekwon-do lessons and dance lessons
  • I live four kilometers away from my nearest friend
  • I live a little bit outside a medium sized town but it's quite nice and peaceful
  • I have a swimming pool
  • I've got a cruddy phone :-(
  • If none of our guinea pigs had died we would of had seven now :-(
  • I've gone to many sports before but gave up or thought it was boring ( I went to swimming, ballet, tennis, football and more)
  • When I can't do something then I throw the thing that I can't do on the floor (or if it is easily damaged then on something soft)
  • I dream of having a million followers on my blog and a million subscribers on youtube
  • I have no patience at all
  • When I started blogging a few years ago a thought that I would get loads of subscribers straight away
  • My bedroom is super small ( four squaremeters) and my little brothers got to share one small room and one big room and one of my brothers had his bed in the big room and one in the small but then they decided that they both wanted to sleep in the small room and although half of their toys are in the big room they never use the big room (so unfair, even me and my friends use the big room more that them)
  • I have a secret talent, I'm quite good at singing (I think...) but I am to scared to sing unless I know no one can hear me
  • After the summer I will be starting year 6
  • I have the best bestfriend ever
  • The bottom floor of our house is half under the ground
  • I'm mostly vegetarian
  • My friends don't know about me blogging
  • My lucky number is thirteen ( I know it's a bit weird andwe live on storkvagen 13, my birthday is the 13th of may and I llike thirteen)
  • I never try to brag/boast about anything
  • I'm called 13meggy on instagram
  • I don't have twitter, tumblr,facebook ,pinterest or any other social network ( except for instagram )
  • I have a trampoline
  • I can't live a day without an electronical equipment such as phones, computers...
  • I hate school
  • I would like an IPhone
  • I don't know what more to write
  • Bye bye

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